Meet Vijat Mohindra, the controversial neo-pop celebrity photographer, known for his theatrical and daring shoots featuring some of the world’s most prolific celebrities from Miley Cyrus to Kim Kardashian. We spoke to him exclusively about his latest works and successful career thus far.
What made you decide to become a photographer?
When I was young I was attracted to photography after looking at a portfolio of black and white photographs that my mom created in design school in the 70’s. The images have stuck with me ever since and I knew I wanted to use photography to inspire others in such a way. My life goal has always been to inspire, whether creatively or otherwise. I love the positive energy that comes with inspiration and I think photography is the perfect vessel for creativity and inspiration.
Tell us about your most memorable shoot to date?
The thing I really love about photography is that even though it is an incredible tool for modern expressionism and used to create hyper glossy and otherworldly images, it still captures memories at the end of the day. I have had so many memorable shoots and moments throughout my photographic career and what I love so much is that the world can share all those memories with me through my photography.
What are you currently inspired by?
I am constantly being inspired visually by everything around me, but right now I am inspired by social and cultural issues that I want to address through my photography. My goal is definitely to inspire, but also to subtly draw attention to real and current issues in the world. Some topics I want to work on for my next exhibition are consumerism, vanity, and childhood obesity.
Who are your idols?
My photographic idols and biggest influences throughout my life have been 2 incredible photographers; David Lachapelle and Miles Aldridge. I look up to these photographers in so many more ways than just my obsession with their physical pictures. I believe they have something not many photographers have in that they are able to constantly create work that is completely their point of view, without being compromised by any outside influence. I also love that they use their photography as a platform to make social and political statements, which is a step beyond most commercial photography.
As the holiday season is vast approaching how do you plan on spending it?
This holiday season I am looking forward to traveling abroad and will be visiting family in a few different parts of the world. As hectic as it can be traveling during the holidays, it is well worth it to spend time with the ones you love.
As we are compiling "the ultimate gift guide" what would be your ultimate gift?
I love gifting vegan and cruelty free products to all my friends and family in hopes of opening their eyes to environmentally friendly products and brands they may not have know about. There are also so many great brands that are now implementing more eco-friendly options and it makes half the fun of gifting, finding all these new exciting things.
2017 New Years Resolutions?
My New Year’s resolution would be to work with more brands and celebrities that align with my point of view. I want to work towards shooting more in my specific style and creating one cohesive portfolio that encompases all of my work rather than splitting it into separate commercial.